Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Magical Screenplay!

Dissolve To:
Exterior Backyard –Sunset

With the sun setting behind the Adirondacks, the characters group together at the bottom of the lawn, Preparing to test their magic abilities.

PENNY,     Fellow Brakebills student, and a very adept magician, who discovered the passage to Fillory.  Steps to the forefront of the group and raises his hands.

All right Everybody! Stand back, this could get a bit dangerous

JANET PULCHINSKY,  A bit more wild then the rest of the group, a bit brash at times, tows the line of being very insecure sometimes but very strong the next. 

ELIOT WAUGH,   Has a slight alcohol dependency problem, kind of seen as the leader of the group.

QUENTIN COLDWATER,   A big fan of the "Fillory and Further" book series, he desires to be adventurous, and Is always for looking for something more then what he currently has. He is Socially awkward and find getting along with his classmates a bit difficult and tiring at times.

JOSH HOBERMAN,     a bit overweight, and the clown of the group of main characters. A social butterfly but not very adept at magic. Quipps in sarcastically from his sitting perch about 15 feet away while sipping on a shared bottle of schnapps.

(with an aire of slight sarcasm)
Really? I mean how much further back do we need to be? I mean from my vantage point I can barely see you as it is.

JOSH hand the bottle of Schapps to Eliot.

(start with a bit of irritation towards Josh, then transition to nervous anticipation)
Just so you’re standing back at a safe distance. Alright guys are you ready for this? Ok, ok, Fire in the hole!

ALICE,    A very talented young magician in the same year as Quentin. She has a natural talent for the magic arts. She gathers up 3 wine bottles and places them on a lawn table around 20 feet away.  Penny and the group, adjusts them as if she is at a carnival, and returns to a safe distance.

PENNY Winds up and begins the incantation. As his hand begin to glow. At the end of the incantation PENNY extends his arm and with a flick of his wrist 3 small projectiles fly out and shatters the 3 wine bottles.

Penny grins as everyone applauds.

(Clapping louder then the rest)
Damn that was cool!

We call it “Magic Missile”. I think its got a nice ring to it.

Magic Missile Baby! That some strait up Dungeons and Dragons Shit! Aww man!

PENNY knowingly nods with a smirk on his face.

We actually bases some of this on old D&D spells. For being a work of fantasy and a game they sure got a lot of the practical thinking in those books.

QUENTIN looks around at everyone around him in quiet worry and concern obviously troubled about what he has just seen.

You guys see what happening here right? Were slowly crossing the line. Isn’t that black magic? God, I hope were not going to have to use that.

Oh, come on Quentina. Were not looking for trouble, we just want to be able to make it run home to momma if it find us, with some Dungeons and Dragons Magic Mothatfuckkahs!

Everyone gathers more closely to PENNY except QUENTIN, who stayed seated some 10 feet away on the grass, as they all watched him ready to show off another magic trick.

The Sun begins to Set as it got very quiet, it seemed as if the whoel world was qieting down in anticipation of PENNY’s Next move.

(tieing the earflaps of his russina hat with a string)
here goes nothing… I hope this works

Just do it already! I’m freezing my ass off

PENNY winds up as if throwing the final pitch at the world series, as violet light begins emanating from his hands making his bones visible under his skin. Shouting the incantation she throws a fierce over arm pitch. A small orange spark flies out and grows to the size of a beach ball and strikes its intended target, a tree some 25 feet away engulfing it in flames.

(turning around breathless and proud)

The tree burned as if it was a bonfire as the group looked on in quiet amazement.

Fade to Black

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