Sunday, September 9, 2012

I really enjoyed Kurtz character. I love the often talked about but seldom seen mystery character. Theres an air of mystery about him. a Savant in his own time. a man that is a legend in his own right. Hes powerful in the company successful in everything he does, and is also skilled in the art of music and fine arts. i really enjoyed the arc of the storytelling of his character (not sure that the right term). He goes from a man that everyone talks about, respects, and admires, but is then revealed to be in a much darker troubled place then anyone would have ever expected.

For me that fall from grace, as it were, is a very interesting concept. It makes for an interesting character. I always thought he went crazy. but that is not necessarily the case. Could he have gone crazy? or was he just a product of the incredible and disturbing situation he was put in? Did the pressure change him? make him something he never was meant to be? or did it bring out something that was always dormant inside of him? I love asking questions like this. when under intense pressure from external forces, what happens to a man? does he fall back upon his core beliefs, and character? or can he break and become a monster? and if he does break, is it revealing a darker part of himself? or is it simply a necessary evil to survive? it always makes me wonder just a little what i would do under an immense amount of pressure. How would i react? would i stay the same man? or could i crack in some way? i hope an pray i can and will be strong.

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