Thursday, December 6, 2012

Waiting for Dat Cash

A few weeks ago i had the pleasure of watching the movie, waiting for Godot, a very entertaining movie that for the most part kept me interested on some level the entier time. however the question put to us this week was, is it still relevant today. does it have a place in cinema, culture and our newer world. and after much internel discussion i have come to the conclusion that it does not. i believe that it does, however in this age of cinema in which everything is judged my marketability and its chance f profitability, i dont think that Godot would find a distributor. Godot gives us, as a viewer a multitude of things. Some light suspense, some comedy, some philosophical questions however none of these things are marketable.

I have a hard time thinking up a trailer for Godot that could be shown to appeal to the masses. a studio exec would see this film and while he may like it, would automatically filter it by likely is it that this movie will rake in enough money to cover its production? Is it a blockbuster? and the answer is no. i can see it having a run in the inde film festivals, but it will never gain a massive following in this day and age. in a time when people are looking for more explosions, the bigger and more stunning visuals, a simple premise with witty ans subtle comedy would just be shrugged off as an uninteresting piece of film. in the end waiting for Godot doesn't really have a place in our culture, at least not in the major markets which is what all studio execs look for when green lighting a movie. I think the movie would still be made and have a small following. but it will never be a large part of our culture. its simply too "boring" for todays explosion, high on action, low on story, type of audience.